Special Trains For Kumbh Mela
- Government of India arranged special Trains for Kumbh Mela.
- Kumbh Mela is listed as the UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
- It has been added to the list in 2017.
- Kumbh Mela has celebrated four times in the past 12 years.
- Location of Kumbh Mela in India: Haridwar on the Ganges in Uttarakhand.
- Ujjain sails in Shipra, Madhya Pradesh.
- Nashik in Godavari, Maharashtra.
- Prayagraj is at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and the fabulous Sarasvati in Uttar Pradesh.
- The Mela site continuously rotates between one of the four pilgrimage sites on the four sacred rivers.