Weather Today In Siliguri
07:11 AM IST
What is Weather Today In Siliguri?
- Weather today in Siliguri refers to the current atmospheric conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind, speed and precipitation.
- Weather today in Siliguri uses different tools, methods and technology to predict the weather of an area in advance.
- Weather today in Siliguri includes predicting the atmospheric conditions on the basis of certain factors such as snow, floods, tides, etc.
Importance of Weather Today In Siliguri
- Understanding the importance of weather today in Siliguri starts by recognizing the significance of the current weather.
- Weather today in Siliguri can vary greatly from scorching heat to heavy monsoon rains.
- Accurate forecasting allows residents, businesses and authorities to prepare for the weather today in Siliguri.
- Weather forecasting is crucial in Siliguri for safety, planning and economic stability.
- Industries like agriculture, transportation and tourism rely on weather forecasts to make decisions about the weather in Siliguri.
Significance of Weather Today In Siliguri
- It enables people to plan and take precautions against various natural calamities such as floods and typhoons so as to minimize their effects.
- Enables farmers to adjust their farming activities to suit the expected weather condition.
- Weather forecasting greatly influences transport, especially in air and water. Aircraft take-off and landing can be affected by weather whereas storms and strong winds greatly affect water travel.
- It can help to guide and encourage tourists to visit certain areas.
- During the war the military can plan their battles by featuring in the expected weather condition to maximize the chance of winning the war.
Types of Weather Forecasting
Short Range Forecasting
This forecasting will last 1-2 days. The weather has an immense influence on human daily patterns, the production of food, and personal comfort zones.u00a0 Forecasting plays an important role in planning current and future activities. So, there are other aspects that may have a huge impact on the forecasting outcome.u00a0 However, accurate forecasting is very crucial. Forecasting is an important tool for various analyses. ECMWF is the most precise global model. ECMWF performs way better than the GFS.
Medium Range Forecasting
This kind of forecasting lasts 3-4 days to 2 weeks. Medium-term forecasts are made for small strategic resolutions in correlation with the nature of the business. They are very important in the area of business budgeting and development and it is from this forecast that company budgets are decided. inaccurate forecasting can have serious impacts on the rest of the organization, the organization will be forced to be with the unsold stock and will have to overspend on production again. A huge amount of money has to be paid to banks and creditors, and stock may have to be sold at a very less price. Organizations can go bankrupt due to insufficient attention on medium-term sales forecasting. The time period for a medium-term forecast is usually one year.
Long-Range Forecasts
This forecasting is for times longer than four weeks. Long-term forecasts are for mainly major upcoming strategic decisions to be taken within an organization and for the organization, They focus very much on how to use resources in an optimum manner. They deal with basic items rather than specific items. And therefore, organizations are concerned more with general ongoing trends, following these trends, regular attempts to predict revenue-generating sales over periods greater than two years. In some strategies, For huge industries, accurate predictions might be needed for a decade or more to tackle the changes. The disadvantage of such forecasts is that they cannot be more than unclear. Prediction planners blame the forecast when things go wrong totally opposite what was predicted and forecasting hence receives criticism from all who are impacted.
Weather Forecasting Methods
- Weather forecasters rely on a massive chunk of data to design computer models and simulations that help predict an incoming change in the weather.
- India Meteorological Department (IMD) uses the INSAT series of satellites hovering in the geosynchronous orbit along with the Real-Time Analysis of Products and Information Dissemination (RAPID), a weather data explorer application, that acts as a gateway and provides quick interactive visualisation along with 4-Dimensional analysis capabilities.
- The forecasters use data generated by the satellites around cloud motion, cloud top temperature, water vapour content that help in rainfall estimation, weather forecasting, and provide the genesis of cyclones and their direction.
- Apart from tracking satellite data, IMD collaborates with ISRO for ground-based observations from the Automatic Weather Stations (AWS), the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) that measure temperature, sunshine, wind direction, speed and humidity.
- Meanwhile, the Agro-meteorological Tower (AGROMET) and Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) systems augment the observations.
Issues Related to Weather Forecasting
- The weather forecasts at times go wrong due to the unpredictability of changes in ocean currents that are responsible for affecting global weather systems.
- For India, the Bay of Bengal acts as the buffer that affects the weather across the country.
- The dynamic models of weather forecasting are based on certain assumptions and it is not possible to incorporate all components of nature accurately in the dynamical models and that is the first reason why sometimes forecasts can go wrong.
- A dynamic weather prediction model involves 3D mathematical simulation of the atmosphere on a computer.
- The errors in forecasts can also crop up due to errors in the initial input given to the models.