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Digital Health Summit 2023 

<strong>Digital Health Summit 2023</strong> 


  • In India, 600 million plus people have access to the internet. The Internet is the best invention of our generation. The rising usage of technology has given Indians better access to the healthcare cohort.
  • Driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, India has adopted digital health at a breathtaking pace. The unprecedented health crisis paved the way for the adoption of telemedicine and thus proved to be a dawn of remote and patient-centric care in India.
  • In this regard, the Confederation of Indian Industry organised the first edition of the Digital Health Summit in 2022 in Delhi at Taj Maansingh Hotel with the theme “Leveraging Technology to Build Patient-Centric, Inclusive, Integrated Health”


  • International Conference on Digital Healthcare Technologies and Applications (ICDHTA) – Rome, Italy: This conference focuses on digital healthcare technologies and applications and aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in digital healthcare technologies.
  • International Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine – Brussels, Belgium: This summit focuses on public health and preventive medicine and aims to bring together researchers, scientists, doctors, public health professionals, policymakers, and other stakeholders to discuss the latest research findings in public health and preventive medicine.
  • International Conference on Digital Healthcare and Research (ICDHR) – Las Vegas, United States: This conference focuses on digital healthcare research and aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in digital healthcare research.

Сurrent  Sсenаriо:-

  • The Digital Health Summit 2023 was co-organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
  •  The theme of the event was “Building One Health Together – Improving Health Equity” 
  •  The summit highlighted the importance of digital health innovations and how they can empower exponential medicine, including 3D printing, point-of-care diagnostics, robots, bioinformatics, and genomics. 
  •  The emergence of patient-centric care and personalised medicine, the generation of increasing amounts of data, and strides in predictive data analytics, continuum of care, and precision medicine have all revolutionised India’s healthcare ecosystem.


  •  The summit aims to bring together researchers, scientists, doctors, public health professionals, policymakers, and other stakeholders to discuss the latest research findings in public health and preventive medicine.

Content contributed by- Jeffrey V

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